
This is my build log of Siegfried Linkwitz’s latest and best open baffle dipole loudspeaker design – the LX521.4.

My relationship with SL’s designs goes back a fair way… my good friend Pete Johnson at medical school drew my attention to Siegfried’s Wireless World active crossover system some 30 years or more ago – we both decided to build one. Pete was a whizz at electronics, whereas I was more comfortable working with wood (thanks, Dad!). Last year for some reason I found myself wondering whether Siegfried was still alive and active in the audio field and searched out his website . It did not take me long to decide to build the LX521s – my old WW system had fallen into disrepair and had been consigned to the garage years earlier (I have renovated it since – separate page to follow).

I hope the log will both inspire and help others to build their own LX521s. I’ve not even heard them yet! – but everything I have read suggests I won’t be disappointed when they are finally up and running.

Click on any thumbnail to see full photos.